Post-traumatic Growth: Celebrating Year Two with Gratitude and Joy

Post-traumatic Growth: Celebrating Year Two with Gratitude and Joy

What doesn't kill us, can make us stronger! On the two-year anniversary of a near death experience, I invite a friend of the podcast, John Evans to sit down for an extended conversation about post-traumatic growth. Post-traumatic growth refers to the positive psychological changes that a person can experience as a result of adversity. John and I cover a lot of ground in this episode, referencing Stephen Joseph's book, What Doesn't Kill Us, Judith Herman's book, Trauma and Recovery, and Stephen Pressfield's book, The War of Art.


If you're wondering how to move through feeling stuck, and hitting plateau's in day-to-day life, John gives some helpful insights from his 13 year recovery. We also talk about the importance of finding a survivor mission, and transforming the meaning of personal tragedy by making it the basis for social action.


Subtracting Self-Care | Moving Toward What Matters

Subtracting Self-Care | Moving Toward What Matters

After Violence: Reflections on Boulder

After Violence: Reflections on Boulder